so far moving back in with my parents isn’t that bad, actually its great! delicious food, laundry done, and a clean house….living the dream…or maybe this is all because derek was here and my mother has never been one to lack in her hospitality. Derek graciously agreed to join me on the 24 hour drive from missoula to chicago with me and in turn my family would show him the city and fly him home…pretty sweet deal if you ask me. so we did the whole tourist thing in downtown chicago… our stops included:
we kissed the sky at the top of the john hancock building…the view was incredible…
we played around in Millennium Park’s chicago bean…
we visited the United center, where the chicago bulls play
and our tour ended in wonderful wrigleyville, home of the chicago cubbies.
it was a very good mini chicago tour and i think everyone had a good time.
so derek left today and who knows maybe the “living at home” atmosphere will take a drastic turn for the worse…but the forecast looks sunny with no chance of rain.
got a busy week/weekend ahead graduation party saturday and then leave for maineeeeeeee next thurs…i am so excited i can hardly contain myself..but i will 😉 for now i am going to sit back relax and watch my red sox stomp the yankees…life is good i love summmmmer. plus the sprinkles on top- i get to call all my scotland friends tomorrow, i havent talked to them since i left except on the computer i miss them so much. hopefully i will be able to sleep tonight- the anticipation is overwhelming 😉 love you guys. more later- enjoy your night.
solid! but no mention of the random david schwimmer sighting?
Ummm I'm jealous. Looks like so much fun!