it doesn’t happen often, but i love when those incredible weekends surprise you. when you have no plans, but it ends up being the best weekend you have had in awhile. this weekend was just that.
one of my favorite people in the whole world was in town this weekend. nicole and i spent pretty much the whole weekend together. we did what we are best at… keeping it low key by the pool and laughing so hard about all the hilarious times we have had together. i think some of the most important lessons about people and relationships i learned while nicole and i were in high school. we learned a lot of those lessons at the same time and had each other to lean on. now seeing the person she has become brings a smile to my face. she still can make me laugh like no one else and understands me just the same. i think it is so important to keep people like that in your life because it keeps your mind young and your spirit free.
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