just like anyone, i sometimes think… what i was doing at this time last year? well i know exactly what i was doing. i looked back at my blog and have an entry from 10/15/09… it reads:
“ciao! haha we are in rome now. and i love it. the city is amazing. but i think there is some catch up to do since last time i left you guys i was still in dublin…
the girls and i had a blast the rest of our time in dublin. we took the city by storm..ok not really but since a big part of dublin is the night life we fully embraced ourselves in that haha we spent nights out at the temple bar which plays traditional irish music every night and julie and i went to st. patricks cathedral it was beautiful. we also got to hear the evening songs of the choir in the cathedral. it was amazing. then we headed off to romaaaa!
we spent our first day in rome…trying to find our hostel. we landed in rome at 9:45 and got to the hostel around 6pm. long day. we slept for awhile and had dinner at the hostel restaurant which is amazing. we also are the only three ppl in our small room which is nice. we also learned the hostel has happy hour. dangerous. hahaha sangria for everyone!!!!
we spent today wandering rome. we saw so many cool sights.. including the forum, colosseum, pantheon, and more but i cant spell them all haha been taking tons of pictures as you can all probably guess. i cant wait to see them on a computer instead of the lcd on the camera! haha we have big plans for roma! check back soon for more info”
life has been so good to me.
sadly, this weekend i won’t be wandering the streets of exotic european cities. i will in fact, be spending some much needed time with my friends. claire and i will be making our way to the university of montana grizzzzzly football game on saturday! go griz 🙂 although, i will eternally be wishing to explore the globe. a football game with my best friend is a preeeeettttyyyy good replacement. have a great weekend everyone xxx
love, having fond memories.
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