i think i start every post with “life has been crazy/whirlwind/go-go-go”
but shocker…it has!
things have changed quite a bit so let me catch you up to speed real quick.
1. moved into a new house with kristi- loving it. i forgot how nice it is to be in a house with no shared walls with strangers. and having a roommate is nice
2. new job- really exciting. a lot of learning and new processes to follow. but loving the fast pace and new responsibilities. the people are great too- that helps.
3. friends are getting engaged! more to come on who- exciting to be planning and celebrating something we haven’t in awhile.
4. the holidays are coming. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5. really taking things one day at a time. enjoying the moment and rolling with the punches.
All these big changes take some getting used to- but they are slowly turning out to be exactly where i want to be headed. which is a good feeling. sometimes it’s nice to feel like you are on a path and hopefully the right one.
heading on a trip here pretty soon! It’s been awhile I know. Chicago with D 🙂 really can’t wait.
can’t complain lately- don’t worry the posts will be slightly more regular in the coming months 🙂 working on that tooooo.
love you guys.
love -life xoxo
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