it’s been an interesting couple days. very interesting.
i go through life- day to day- and on the broader scale- with the mindset that some things are certain. your support system, your beliefs, your values, your plan.
when those things we hold as the foundation of our character get questioned or even fail us- it is as though you can’t go on. and truth is you can’t.
it’s time to change. create a new building block and continue on.
change isn’t easy, and it isn’t always fun, but it is the reality of the world we live in. people you trust with your closest secrets will share them with strangers. people you believe have a certain moral scale will disappoint you.
but how you react to those situations is the true test of YOUR character. let me tell you- i feel very tested lately.
but i will continue on. with new life lessons learned.
keep those who support you unconditionally as close to your heart as you possibly can, they will be your light in your darkest hour.
love, the sun shines brightest after the rain xxoo
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