today is a special day. its my birthday 🙂 and just like most people i love a day all about me 🙂
more than that though, i love to have an excuse to see all the people i adore. i have realized in this life that you are the company you keep. and i can say, i keep some PRETTY (in more ways than one) amazing company.
this life is not easy. at times it isn’t even fun. but depending on who you choose to surround yourself with- you can make anything work. when i think back to all the incredible experiences i have been lucky enough to have in my YOUNG 24 years, there is one thing that remains true for all of it. i had the best people with me.
i think to each and everyone of my friends, family, co workers…there is something special about you all. obviously there will be people in life that you don’t have a choice to surround yourself with- but seeking to find that special quality in everyone builds your character.
to my friends- i love you more than you will ever know. you have made me into the person i am today. each and every one of you has a special place in my heart. i have a memory like a steel trap- but i thank you for making the memories i keep. we have been on this roller coaster of life for 24 years now…and you all have stuck with me through it all. i am lucky to have all of you. and you remind me of that everyday.
to my family- no family is perfect. no family is without flaws. but i can say that no matter what happens i know all of you would drop what you were doing to help one another in time of need. don’t forget that you only get one family in this life. make sure to be kind. family is sometimes the people who we take the bad days out on, when there is no one else to turn to. but remember they are the ones there no matter what. my family is an amazing support system. i couldn’t ask for a better group to call my own. i love you guys.
i am a lucky girl today. the people i surround myself with have showed me how to make this the best life. and i wouldn’t trade mine for anything. that is the best present i can think of. so happy birthday to me. and thank you.
love, having amazing company xx
Lawrence says
Rachel…the day you were born was the happiest of my life (now tied for 1st). I loved you then, I love you now and every moment in between. Would that every parent be fortunate to have a daughter with your wisdom and grace. Happy Birthday!
EMiller says