the time has come to say goodbye to my favorite place on earth. it has been a great week here in scotland. it was so nice to see everyone and get to show the girls a place that has been such an important thing in my life. i think they liked it too. i know i will be back because i hate being away for so long. hopefully i can get back soon.
our last few days in scotland were great ones. wednesday night we went out with everyone from my old college and danced the night away. it was filled with funny pictures and stories. and after a tearful goodbye the girls and i headed to edinburgh…which is the capital of scotland. the city is so beautiful and filled with many amazing sights. we walked the royal mile. starting with the castle at the top of the hill and down thru the winding cobblestone road filled with old shops and stores to the end which is where the queens palace sits. then we hiked up to arthurs seat and sat and overlooked the city. it was a good day. then we went on a ghost tour at night and we all had a good scare.
we are going to do a little exploring today but we leave for dublin tonight. i cant wait!!!
our travel plans might be changing but i will update you on the new plans.
missing everyone x
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